than u shoulde wrote down how it happened exactly cause ure firs post made u look like the normal moron that walks into a store and thinks he is the king and screaming and swearing trying to get something achieved
t be honest looks like u got what u deserve !
little respect for other people goes a long way
if u woulde handled the situation nicely and asked her why she cant take it back like this without throwing out and f bombs and play the big boy
treat other people like u wanna be treated keep...
same issue that siemens owns the pattent for the lightbulb that never burns out
will we ever see it on the market ? most likely not cause noone would need any lightbulbs any more
who knows what else is put away in safes that we dont know about
watched it all now
actually first minutes of part 8 are the most true ones and valueable ones in his entire speach !
well evoloped countrys are the problem and not the countrys that struggle
really wanna doubt that statement
on dodges u can if u know how view the history and if u think a ecm flash nocks everything out of the memory ure wrong
so ford and chevy having just as much electronic gadgets i pretty sure theyll have a datalog for most important engine numbers in the ecm...
even if its gross mostly what he shows about surviving but the man just prooves a point and if it helps u out if u would be in a bad situation u can just say thanks