Were you there today? And yes even our logging road is sketchy!
780-916-8558 & text
Fb Corrisa Schurek
Ambassador for Divas snowgear.com
So owl head and eagles were groomed today. I stopped to chat with the trial collector at owl she said the first 2k were bad and that trucks with trailers need chains. Trucks with decks were ok. Eagles is the same but driving up to 1km must have chains.
I expect this to change this week with...
The report today was they will be trying to groom Eagles and owlhead tonight. The first 2km at owlhead is sheer ice chains are mandatory until they can bring more snow down. You also can NOT use blue lake trail and queest as they are logging. Blue you must use owlhead and connector to blue...
What was it like getting in there? Trail how far up to unload? And just general getting around past the cabin? Thank you :)
780-916-8558 & text
Fb Corrisa Schurek
Ambassador for Divas snowgear.com
What an awesome time at the snow show this weekend! Hugs and butt slaps! Movie premiers! o much laughter, meeting faces behind the names and fun with friends! Always good times at the snow and mud booth!
DSG bags were a hit and all over the show too! Women were super excited about all the new...
Thanks girl!!!
Here is the official press release