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  1. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    I had to report your post, can't add rep from tapatalk sites still broken.
  2. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    I had to report the post, still no ability to give rep on Tapatalk, sites still broken.
  3. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Every fawking year you pull this stunt, you're an asshat.
  4. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Wtf when did you grow a heart and care about trivial **** like that.
  5. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Yes, before the site got broken
  6. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    And beer
  7. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    That's a sin
  8. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    I'd rep you for that but I can't, sites broken sorry.
  9. Puba

    Fender Bender $@%!

    You can take your after market stuff off of the truck if they won't cover it
  10. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Lol, must have hit a sore spot.
  11. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    And then the site got broken
  12. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Blame chief shiny top
  13. Puba

    REP.....give some and get some?

    Before the site got broken you could give rep on crapatalk, red or green.
  14. Puba

    2018 boating pics and videos

    He has three barges also.
  15. Puba

    2018 boating pics and videos

    I was on it.
  16. Puba

    2018 boating pics and videos

    Out on the Yukon.
  17. Puba

    Does Facebook fame add value?

    Is this still available?
  18. Puba

    Does Facebook fame add value?

    I'll offer a 24 of beer
  19. Puba

    Pack rat stories.......

    I'd highly recommend Isler RV or Tayco RV for all of your RV needs ?
  20. Puba


    He did get his White Oakleys back though.
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