Thought I would give those who care to know and those who understand the time involved that Yesterday I passed my TC exam. The flight training is done. The flight test is over. I started in August and I can now fly legally on my own. I have to say I'm sure glad I do not need to study anymore. :D...
Agreed, Watch the belt tension. Snapped a couple belts before I got it right. My recommendation is to run it down the trail for a couple KMs. When the gears warm up they expand and the tension of the belt is tighter.
Rode Renshaw Tuesday. Didn't venture too far because we had some new riders with us. In the Ant hills I would say there was a good two feet in the untouched areas. We rode Bell and Lucille Wednesday and Thursday. Defiantly less there. Still some mines to be covered and Creeks need to fill in.