what i'm amazed at are these no prep cars. track is not sprayed with glue but these cars run 3.6 sec @ over 200 in the 1/8.
they carry the front tires a good portion of that as well. I think Mussi goes through more dollars in spray for the weekend than i make in a year!
pretty sad. i wanted to hear positive results. not a cat guy but still kinda thought it was kool. hardest part has to be the mapping. epa crap. lots of testing to be done. polaris has these demo rides with the prototypes and then the production models aren't the same. bean counters and epa regs...
when the wife and i helped on a tafc we were at a race in vegas and seattle. pretty kool being in the staging lanes the same time as the big boys. if you ever get a chance to stand close to a fuel car when they launch it will be life changing for you, lol.