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  1. vanislerev

    2014 Doo's no Political BS

    Agreed. Not cool
  2. vanislerev

    Aboriginal protests in Canada.

    guess what. It happens to normal people all the time. Look at all the farmers with oilfield right of ways and pump jacks on thier land. Guess what, they don't have a choice.
  3. vanislerev

    Ski options for powder/mountain riding

    I have the same skis and noticed the same thing too. Defiantly keeps the nose up all the time
  4. vanislerev

    Sled deck help

    I've got an stf im considering selling. 8 foot, sliding sides, set up for short box. 2 piece ramp
  5. vanislerev

    riding mcbride feb 4 and 5

    I'll be there with my gf, white blue xp and blue 03 rmk. Prolly renshaw and Lucille. Leaving thursday night, looks like the weather will be good
  6. vanislerev

    2012 GMC or Chev 6.0l Question

    Should is the key word. I expected a lot better. I don't miss that truck one bit.
  7. vanislerev

    2012 GMC or Chev 6.0l Question

    I went from a 07 duramax to a 02 1500hd with a 6.0. Mileage is almost on par if not better and I pocketed a ton of cash as this truck was 1/3 the value of the other. Win win. Still run a deck and not underpowered
  8. vanislerev

    November snow conditions.

    Well the 5 day forecast for mcbride looks promising
  9. vanislerev

    What is wrong with some sledders??????

    guy sounds like an idiot. even though ive always been a doo guy, its good to see the other brands stepping up cause it creates more options for riders and more competition. I was especially happy to see the new kitty cat come out this year and breach the factory turbo mountain sled market...
  10. vanislerev

    Which suspension upgrade?

    I did the BRP upgrade along with moving up to one size heavier springs in the rear (though i weigh 205) on my 09 154" and it made it an entirely different sled. Id consider it well worth the money, far easier to run on it side now. Though i have never seen or ridden a sled with one of the other...
  11. vanislerev

    Transporting a firearm....

    Only requirement for a non restricted firearm is that it be unloaded. therefore legally you could hang it in a gun rack, toss it on the front seat or dash, long as it is unloaded. obviously use discretion, but know the law when you get pulled over. Not all cops are too knowledgeable on firearms...
  12. vanislerev

    Military snowmobile

    bit of a waste but on the plus side military technologies always find their way over to civilian stuff. if they are going electric they will be worried about driveline power loss, and if they figure out a more efficient transmission system or way to power the track that wastes less energy thats...
  13. vanislerev

    Big Valley Jamboree

    Ill be there too, lawnmower worked great last year too. helps keep the mosquitos away from hidin round your spot too. on another note we have an extra 3 day pass for sale if anyone requires one
  14. vanislerev

    '03 GMC 6 litre mods

    wouldnt worry about the duramax that much. i went from a 03 ZR2 sonoma with a 4.3 to a LMM duramax and got pretty much the same mileage 13-16. shitty. then dropped the duramax for a 02 sierra heavy half with the 6.0 and get 16-18. tell the truth i enjoy this truck more than the duramax... why i...
  15. vanislerev

    2 sleds and a deck on a 1/2 ton ?

    so does my 02 1500HD. But they are not full floaters. the dodge may be the same. the chev has a larger housing, shafts, bearings & ring gears, but at the end of the day its still not a 3/4 ton axel.
  16. vanislerev

    Who is looking forward to some downilllllllll MTB!!!!

    Not great crankworx weather. I miss getting out there for that! I know some guys racing in it that i havent seen in forever either. have to get out again one day
  17. vanislerev

    Nostalgic (Old time Edmonton)

    Cool, Thanks
  18. vanislerev

    Heavy duty mechanics

    Kinda wishing i took the HD route. Im getting out of the military as a mechanic in september and have my automotive blue seal equivilency but there sure is alot more work out there for HD techs then light duty thats for sure!
  19. vanislerev

    Heavy duty mechanics

    not all of us want to ride the pine our whole lives thanks. ill stick to hands on and gettin ch!t done.
  20. vanislerev

    New factory short block?

    Whats the point in tearing it down? I dont see one. If the CAUSE has already been determined, tearing it apart just to see the damage really accomplishes nothing, and leaves you with a mess of parts to put back together before you can send it to BRP.
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