Easy bro, Cat hasn't had a Mountain sled in the game since the 900 king cat. It will be nothing short of a miracle if they can even deliver the 20 or 30 that get ordered. And if they do deliver, they are going to get spanked by the 80% turbo population on the mountain. That 858 cat is going to...
I'm not a Cat fan, but do feel for them releasing their new sled in this saturated climate. They must feel like they cant catch a break. I hope it comes out and rocks, and motivates the other 2 to escalate their game.
If you can afford a 9R with boost you can afford a doo turbo. The difference is 2 years warranty, which is what most people would like when spending 25g for a toy. Others don't care what the cost is to have something they want.
Exactly. My buddy had a 17 doo. It made him wish he had a belt eater. You could not blow a belt on it, cause it never ran long enough. Took out the motor, a month later he got it back, then injector issues, then wiring issues, it was one issue after another. Gotta get rid of the lemons. Downtime...
Well, sounds like a lemon with all the issues. Cant imagine if ya had a crappy dealer. I don't think i could trust the sled, and i would definitely be selling it.
I had an 07 night train and it was a great bike. I suggest if you get one, buy a removable windshield for the long trips.
Sure help with fatigue if your ripping at 120++ for hrs on end. I believe the 96" and 6 speed are supposed to be solid engine tranny combo, and don't recall hearing any...
It has pipes, windshield, and a leather frame bag as seen in the pick. I'm going to look at the RG in the back ground tomorrow. PM me if there is anything in particular you wan tot know.
Any thoughts on a 2013 Softail slim with a 103? Maybe 2500 miles, and a real one owner lady driven. Mint condition. Its a buddies wife's bike, and i think she needs $16,000 out of it? I don't know what they are worth, but this is like new. PM if interested