The carbs were cleaned but
they were nice and clean, dry, sparkplugs were also changed.
He took the carbs out and cleaned them, said they looked really good.
does the sled have a fuel filter?
Hi there, I have been sledding all my life.
I have an 2004 800 Summit highmark X, and my husband has a 2005 RT 1000.
our kids are also avid snowmobilers.
We are originally from Northern BC, where the skies the limits. Awsome sledding in the mountains. Right out our back door.
We now live in...
I have a 2004, 800 Summit Highmark X, and this year it is so hard to start.
It used to start real good, and when we were sledding last year, the carbs froze up, since then it has been a pig to start. And running has been crappy. I almost have to run it with the choke on.
It takes many many...