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    your dealer

    For those of you near Calgary, there's a fairly new dealer in the south, Bow Cycle South. They're just north of the House of Tools on Flint Rd and very good to deal with. I just bought my boy a quad there and was very happy. We'll see about the service... but the guys there aren't cocky like...
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    your dealer

    I got my 700 at Blackfoot, and the only reason is that it's hard to beat their pricing. I I need REAL help I go to Walt Healy
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    raptor 700 love em hate em?

    I just got mine in June, after YEARS of a 250r Honda. I think it's the best bang for the buck, lots of torque,and I'm having no trouble adjusting, the balance is great on it. As far as keeping up on the trails to the suzuki 400, no problem, only the 400 runs out of torque in any gear but...
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    Midwest Motorsports

    I wouldn't consider Polaris in the Name Brand category, from my experience.
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    Midwest Motorsports

    I don't know if anybody has Chinese quads, but I decided after too many untimely repairs on my boy's 06 Midwest 110 to sell, These things are made for occasional use only! I'm going back to brand name - I want him to learn how to ride as well as fix.
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    Midwest Motorsports

    I thought the same thing a year and a half ago, until I bought one. I have and 96 frx 125 that I bought for my boy, and it looks like it would be the best machine in it's class, with full suspension, disc brakes, etc. It started having little problems right away, like the sprocket came loose...
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