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  1. revscribb


    Ignorance is not bliss. I've seen a slide on my third or fourth time out ever, two years ago and it was a very experienced rider that set it off. Not a large one, but big enough to open my eyes. I'll take all the education someone is willing to give, but I still see potential for trouble no...
  2. revscribb

    Drinking & Riding?

    I'll go along with the one or two throughout the day rule.:hmm: Nix on the plastered PTs.:please: That's all I have to say about that.
  3. revscribb

    Ski doo torques

    Thank you very much posnick. Is there a diagram like that for the crank case?
  4. revscribb

    Ski doo torques

    Thanks. Good feedback so far. I've searched the net alot today too, that's why I've posted this. Yes I have the right sealer.(although that opinion varies too). I was kind of hoping for a scan of the page of the manual that shows the sequence. Thanks again!
  5. revscribb

    Ski doo torques

    Crank case.
  6. revscribb

    Ski doo torques

    Hey there; Just signed up today. Enjoying the sport for almost a year. A guy in Canmore AB sold me a sled that wasn't what he built it up to be. The motor blew after 200 K. I need HELP! Can anyone provide the correct torque sequence for 01 Sumit 800 Case? I'm told that correct sequence is...
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