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  1. DDCups

    The Word Association Game

  2. DDCups

    Hot Stove Lounge...Sports Talk

    go Jets go FUGGIN LEAFS Flames suck too Oilers are loosers Canucks rule the nest Ottawa blows Montreal ??? loosers too
  3. DDCups

    The Word Association Game

  4. DDCups

    2010 cats on website

    Are they still gonna put out a 1000 2 stroke then?
  5. DDCups

    What is a good indicator if the reeds are shot!

    If the lily pads sink........ moan, moan, moan
  6. DDCups

    The Word Association Game

  7. DDCups

    I like my women.......

    ..... clean, but dirty!
  8. DDCups

    Nytro Stabilizer bar?

    Take the dam bar off, and let 'er rip.
  9. DDCups

    Arctic Cat Poll on Fuel!

    Ooops, voted and I don't have a Cat. Sorry:o
  10. DDCups


    Congratulations, Rod. Didn't someone else from this site win last year too? Think I saw it on a video somewhere - Johnniblaze?
  11. DDCups

    What's with your Avatar?

    ............. 'nuff said??:d
  12. DDCups

    Whats in a name??

    Maybe something to do with my infatuation with them??:eek: LOL
  13. DDCups

    Hi Everyone.....

    Hello, new to the site, just wanted to say hi. Yam turbos the only way out. :d
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