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  1. S

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Say that to yourself out loud 3 times.
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    Coutts Border Trial

    Truth be told, not that many were interested enough to get involved, same as the 12 idjits protesting West of CGY "defending our rights!", do whatever you want to do.
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    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    The person who made that sandwich in Mexico might have made $3.00 for an entire days work. "There but for the grace of God go I". Be grateful you won the lottery and were born in Canada were fare wages are a reality.
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    Carbon tax

    Maybe take a quick look at the history of Argentina before you bet on that horse, economic and social upheaval has occurred in almost every decade over the last century. My bet, it probably happens again.
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    Carbon tax

    Maybe you could flee to this latest incarnation of Argentina??? What could be better than no govt. services at all, maybe complete chaos? Take all the hard earned money you've earned in Canada over your career and invest it in a true economy with no protections and few laws. I don't know if...
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    Fkn woodpeckers

    Same problem, tried lots of different things but the one that seems to work best are the thin foil finished birthday banners that you can buy at the dollar store, as long as there's a breeze they're waving erratically, rustling and reflecting light. Keep them up all year and put fresh ones up...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    Probably bit his tongue to suppress his laughter and is re-telling that story to this day.
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    If you left Canada, Where would you go?

    Texas or anywhere in the Southern US is not fun in the summer months, especially places like Houston where you get 105F with 100% humidity, the only time you don't sweat is when you're in the shower. Days start off around 85F and go up from there, it boggles the mind people actually work...
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    Israel at War

    Sounds really expensive, especially when you realize it's all coming out of taxpayer's pockets, spending money without restraint, that never has to be repaid or accounted for, all towards destroying people and property. It's so effing stupid.
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    Go away Max!

    Europe??? The entire continent is governed by restrictions on everything from birth through to death. Good luck finding places to ride that are not strictly controlled, it ain't the wild west.
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    2 drinks a week!!?

    I take it you don't have kids?
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    2 drinks a week!!?

    Doesn't mean much but common sense prevails, from my observation the people I know that lived into their mid 80's and 90's all tended to be moderate to non-drinkers. The weekly imbibers and heavier drinkers I've known all died before 75. 10 extra years is food for thought, I guess it all...
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    Edmonton mask survey

    Think about what you're actually saying here, you want one way of thinking to be enforced....but of course, only if it's your way of thinking. All good until the boot is on the other foot.
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    Coutts/Sweetgrass Border Crossing Blocked

    One of the accused Olienick out of Claresholm owns an excavation company Iron Rock Ent., those machines probably belong to him, so maybe they were brought there for another reason. He'll have lots of time to sort it out with the cops sitting in his jail cell.
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    Coutts/Sweetgrass Border Crossing Blocked

    It makes sense, you'd have to be pretty out of touch to attempt to use that border crossing right now while other crossings are clear. If the CBSA decides to do the same the blockade is going to lose a lot of steam.
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    Coutts/Sweetgrass Border Crossing Blocked

    Andrew Coyne explained the public health benefits very well in his Op-Ed in the G&M today. Maybe you don't know anyone who's life has been saved, or anyone that has lost their life, but a lot of Canadians have direct connections. For all the mistakes our governments have made in dealing with...
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    Coutts/Sweetgrass Border Crossing Blocked

    You're probably right but I don't think any of the people out protesting actually voted for Trudeau and he knows it. It must be difficult to negotiate with someone who shows up for a meeting waving an F-You flag with your name on it! :)
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    Coutts/Sweetgrass Border Crossing Blocked

    The thing is the protesters do not, nor ever will have priority over a "Public Heathy Order". The Fed. govt. will not remove the restrictions under the pressure of a protest, thus the rules will remain in place until after the protestors go home. It is the protesters that are now responsible...
  19. S

    The fast start to the summer fire season.

    That doesn't mean the smoke is gone or even diminished, it's just changed directions. Year 5 of the last 6 August has been written off by thick smoke, but this year the fires started in early July, it's no longer an anomaly, it's now the reality. Hotels in Salmon Arm asking tourists to cancel...
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