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  1. Teth-Air


    Here are a couple of fuel cells to play with to see if the tech is good for generating electrical power.
  2. Teth-Air

    April 8 2024

    Wow is that a before and after photo? Those solar rays sure aged you.
  3. Teth-Air

    RPM Q-Muf

    I was running the stainless steel version with the quiet core option. Not quiet enough for most of my riding buddies. I assume they are built similarly to the titanium other than material, but not sure. Seems to run well but when I returned to stock muffler I noticed the sled was hitting the...
  4. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    Looks like Dawson has that Boost working well.
  5. Teth-Air

    Attending the Jackson Hole Hill climb and riding in the area after - Recommendations

    If you are watching the hill climbs, go early and volunteer to be a sled catcher. Free lift ticket and lunch and best seat in the house.
  6. Teth-Air

    I bet that'll mess with an Avy Beacon

    Why would you think it would interfer with an avalanche beacon? The toy probably uses a similar frequency to the radio but the avy beacon is far apart on the spectrum. In addition the avy beacon is transmitting most of the time and not recieving. Try it to see for sure.
  7. Teth-Air

    Who's snowchecking 2025

    I have 2 sleds. One with the 7S and one with the Trail-Tech. Although the big screen is nice, I value light weight and the ability to move the Trail-Tech to my next sled more than the big pricy 7S. I think I will go small screen next time if I don't buy another turbo.
  8. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    Why are you brand bashing here? I was not knocking Doo just the decision of ridrs not going ahead and fixing the problem when it is an easy and cheap fix.
  9. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    It would be cheaper to gear that sled down than buying just one new belt. How many is it now?
  10. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    8200 is ideal as the torque drops off above it. Saying that, lots of guys like to hear them sing and want higher.
  11. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    Keep in mind both 9R's and Boosts have factory cluthing that allows them to over-rev, up to 8500 or more. There could be harmonics at these rpm's that the clutch/bolt was not designed for. Maybe that is why some guys have no issues and others do?
  12. Teth-Air

    Get out your bowl of granola to watch this one

    She might be happy if she stayed home and had babies?
  13. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    You are right, they should not be a wear item. There is no excuse for this issue. That said, we whine and stay home or take preventative measures. I know what I will do.
  14. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    New clutch is coming.
  15. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    Yes Shawn they are that good that guys will put up with their issues. That said, Polaris is fixing this issue but the fix has not been released yet. Hopefully by changing the bolt every 600 kms we can stay ahead of it, for now. (about as long as your belts last, only cheaper to replace). On...
  16. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    Maybe just the pulses of the motor without a clutch to dampen it. Thx for the info. Hope I don't need it.
  17. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    If you don't put it in reverse it should tighten? I assume the mass of the bolt is following the crank and would want to screw in more? Please clarify.
  18. Teth-Air

    Muskoka Freerider

    There might be a lot of P22's flying off this week with the new snow.
  19. Teth-Air

    3.25 track

    I have both and the 3.25 definately seems tougher than the 2.75. My 2.75 is showing signs of wear and tear while the 3.25 doesn't. riding both in similar conditions this season.
  20. Teth-Air

    Anyone run Redline’s SS boost muffler?

    Friend has one on his Boost. Louder than most guys like but in deep snow it gets much quieter.
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