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  • Hello hillclimber! I posted that I am looking for peeps to ride with and a guy mentioned you are in my area as well.. I live In Penticton & I am looking to ride alot I ride apex mostly now and am in great shape & have a great attitude when sledding! I have an 02 summit 800 highmark x with a 151x2 trk stock sled mostly but have a can and 6 inch riser & the sled is set up for deep snow stand- up riding anyways I really want to ride with you anytime you might be available I am mostly free weekends sometimes the odd moday, I have a single trailer and a van to tow with as well as all of the necessary gear peips probe shovel saw and spare belts and tools..please consider riding with me sometime it would be awesome fun...oh yes as well I will always help digout anyone who gets stuck! I hope to hear from ya, The names Stu my numbers 250 809 9438 thnks!
    hey i am up for that any time i have here until saturday or sunday depending on the weather i will be out again but only going to revy for the ladies ride march 4& 5 then i will be back out to sicamous last week of march.
    hey pretty good i road for 2 weeks at Christmas, did the Rasmussen ride in McBride and i am heading out to sicamous with some friends tomorrow how about you!
    Hey Dave! So we are both working this winter, well I get weekends off os it looks like Sunday will have to be our day. Can't wait to get out. I have changed my number to a Vernon one 250-938-8168. Talk to you later.
    I heard Hunters is getting good and I really want to get to Sicamous a few times this year! We'll have to hook up. I got Deb a 2007 REV 600 Ho. SDI
    going out tomorrow,give ya an update,but i no it will be good.I'll go for a burn with ya if ya come up this way
    Hey buddy it is snowing lightly in Da loops right now.I know that the snow is good up highway # 5 ,the alpine can be a little windblown but if you are around the trees it's still 1-2-3 feet deep.PM me if you are comin down this way,going out tomorrow so i'll get back to ya
    Had a buddy ridin at sun peaks that weekend and said all the meadows were 3 ft of fresh a little better than porcupine,that place sucks first time there and I will never go back
    Were you up at Porcupine ridge today, just from your profile pic I swear it was you,tall guy on rev f*ck you gotta be 6'4 or higher.Was up there today for level 1 Avy course not much snow there.
    Going up to Clearwater tomorrow,should be retarded good,check out pics in my profile from last sunday,a few gooders
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