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  • Hi...I'm new to the Pass and looking to go sledding tomorrow. Wondering if we could stage out of your place....is there a fee? Also, could you point us in a direction of some good snow. Not looking for any climbing just some good play areas. I realize there is not a lot of snow out there at the moment but thought you might know of somewhere....feel free to give me a call at 562-8072 or just reply through s&m....thanks...don
    I was wondering what the conditions are like, My dad and I where going to go to Valemount on Thursday, ride friday and saturday, but we are rethinking our plans and maybe coming your way. I would like to ride with someone that knows the area well, we don't want to put ourselves in avy danger. Are there some safe areas to ride out there? Are you around this weekend?
    curtis us guys in medicine hat would love to sneak a ride in the last weekend of nov.please give us some input on whats happening in your neck of the woods,hard to get any info our pics on whats happening out there,philipcaul@shaw.ca
    Hey Curtis. Looking forward to another season down in the pass. Wouldn't mind goin for a rip with you this year, if you ever have any free time. Later.
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