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  • Just waiting for the snow. I will be in to get some fuel line so I can finish installing the new fuel pump.
    Have you been checking out the 2010/2011 Valemount updates? The web cam looks good. Reports of 30cm of snow at the cabin. Drifts 50cm. Oh ya you were suppose to call me
    Talked to Swenson. He told me that I should have no problem running 18lbs with 50/50 race/premium mix. Stock rods no problem.

    He told me the only sled that he did the rods in was his RX-1. And he has 20lbs and up with straight C12 or C16 (either one works well) He ran 26lbs at the Big iron shoot out this past year.

    I think I will stick with 18 though just to be safe.
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