Jameson Florence

I live for winter, great friends new and old, and the mountains.Skiing is my passion, I also love sleds and their 2 stroke smoke, power outages, dirtbikes, storm days, being faster than the person ahead of me, rock climbing, peak bagging, partying with good people, RVing, building stuff, skiing with my dad, Mtn bikes, new toys, beiruit, crazy ideas, air tools, great food, folsom custom skis, bluebird days, subwoofers, lightning, cooking, corny movies, learning how to make things work, cats, bigger hammers, breaking my toys, diesel trucks, speakers that effortlessly and accurately reproduce music, turbocharged snowmobiles, getting lost, keeping life an adventure. The list continues growing everyday.

Skiing match stick productions - the way i see it, Team Snow Hunnys - Hard Core Sled Chicks, Edge of
Mar 13, 1982 (Age: 42)
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