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  • Hi you gave me some advice on my m1000. Thanks. I changed over to the power commander and it's better but ive still got something going on. It's like I'm not getting full ignition when I open it up. I changed my plugs and no difference. Do you have any ideas?
    Hey, we're HTR a graphic design company out of Castlegar BC. We specialize in sled and quad wraps. Just thought I'd say hello. Check out our Facebook for any upcoming specials!
    Hope you're rippin it up this season!
    :) Christy
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    Hey BIG NUTZ....Have any idea's for the first Sunday ride??? I was thinkin possibly meet at the east side of the tressel bridge or Fort kent and hit the south cabin??
    Ron Im sure you've probably got a couple of those Rock Tamers in your garage lol...so on your way to work tomorrow you can feel free just to throw a set in the back of that nice blue truck outside :D Thanks
    hey, that HIMARK peom is unreal! would you mind if i shared that with my buddies? it would be much appreciated.
    Could you tell me how to get to that thread please. I can't remember what you said this morning.
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