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  • haha sounds like your keeping busy also. im really hoping to get out for one more trip this year, but the mountains haven't gotten **** for snow in like past 2 weeks and mid 40's for temps the next 10 days. I really wanted to buy a new sled this coming year but, **** right now I basically own a $10k dust collector. lol
    hello there dean! well I wish I cld say my hiding is because im riding.. but it isn't.. worst snow year I can ever remember. I have 79 miles on the sled this year.. 1 trip = 3 days of riding= 1.5 of those days with bronchitis. other then that, started a new job mid summer last year and haven't had much time off or a computer to post on while at work ;) lol will try and make it on more often now. how u been? hope all is well with u!
    I feel that Doug (ferniesnow) should be a role model for all men and women snowmobiling in the world today. His life time achievements have surpassed most who thought to have dedicated their lives to the sport. :D:D:D
    I was out riding first of the month but riding will be done till end of May. Lots of work to be done in the next month. Needs to warm up or my seeding of crops will be delayed. There is defiantly not enough time in the day.
    Thats good to hear. U still getting a ride in or is that done for the year for ya? Its finally getting nice here also and excited to start doing some outside yard work at the shop.. Find myself not coming on here as muh anymore either. Not enough time in the day for everything. lol
    hello there mr dean! hope all is well.. havent been able to catch ya in the max for awhile. have a good one my friend :beer:
    still snowing in the hills. cant wait to try the sled. get any new parts to finish putting that Poo back together?
    Hey, we're HTR a graphic design company specializing in custom sled and quad wraps. Just thought I'd say hello. Check out our wall and Facebook page for upcoming specials!
    Hope you're rippin it up this season!
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