Heres a Pic of the MAG side Piston. And the Damage is on the Exhaust side.
And in the 2nd Pic you can see the damaged cylinder wall, as well as a crack in the wall.
What could be the cause?
Second ride of the year. But Im new to sledding as of last spring and did a half ass summarize... Didnt fog the carbs. Could that be all it took? I did a good 2/3 of a take the first day out though..
Looks like excessive heat for sure. Ran a little lean maybe from gunk in carbs, old bad gas, mag crank seal leaking a bit causing lean condition. As far as wrist pin, I'm assuming you don't have pin puller, if you have a vice, use different size sockets or pipe and push it out that way. I've had one I actually had to cut the piston off of the pin, then the pin should slide out for you.
Make a pin puller with a piece of threaded rod, and a few nuts.
I never fogged my carbs or summerized my sled. Started it in the fall, topped it off with new fuel and went....
Exact same scenario happened to my sons. Determined that it warmed up a little to long once we offloaded and then headed up the groomed trail with not enough cooling. Excessive heat seize the piston then when it cooled it started again then seized again. Almost seems piston expanded faster that the cylinder if that makes any sense.