How to interpret SRD questionare


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
1. Right of Access
Albertans have the right to access vacant public land [section 26] and a road or trail on vacant public land [section 27] for recreation. Do you agree with open access to vacant public land and its roads and trails?

X Agree __Disagree __Don’t know

2. Limits to Right of Access
The regulation puts some limits on recreational access. People may not access vacant public land for activities that last longer than 14 days, in the event of a fire ban, in the face of an officially posted notice or barrier prohibiting entry, if there is a possibility of unreasonable loss or damage, or if disturbance standards would be exceeded. These restrictions are for public safety and stewardship of the land for future Albertans. Do you agree with these limitations on recreational access?

__Agree __Disagree X Don’t know

3. Access Permits
People or groups will need a permit for access to vacant public land for events or commercial purposes [section 29]. Examples of events are group hay rides, group camping and all-terrain vehicle rallies. Examples of commercial purposes are catering for events, film shoots and promotions. The permit sets out terms and conditions to manage and monitor cumulative effects on and to the public land [sections 30, 33] and may be issued electronically [section 32]. The access permit is free upon an application being accepted. Do you agree that a permit that sets terms and conditions should be needed to access vacant public land for events or commercial purposes?

__Agree X Disagree __Don’t know

They make it tough to get a permit, you jump through all the hoops and they just make more, trying to make you give up. Most would.

4. Trespassing
To protect public safety or property, users can be stopped from entering public land or be ordered to leave [section 25]. Examples might be:
 A flood or avalanche risk;
 Protecting fragile ecosystems; or
 Preventing human-wildlife encounters [section 36].
People who disobey officials, notices or barriers may be charged with trespassing. People found guilty of trespassing may be fined up to $2,000 [section 36(7)]. Do you agree a fine, as proposed, is appropriate for persons found guilty of entering an area?
__Agree X Disagree __Don’t know

5. Temporary Closure
Officials have authority to temporarily close or secure a specific site to stop or prevent damage from misuse or overuse [section 41]. For example, all-terrain vehicles driven off designated trails can damage vegetation and habitat, and this habitat may need a long time to recover. Do you agree officials should be able to temporarily close sites on public land to protect the sites from damage?

__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
They'll close everything and say its temporary.

6. Off-Highway Vehicles
In public land use zones for recreation, off-highway recreational vehicles like quads, snowmobiles or off-road motorcycles are allowed only on designated areas and trails [section 202]. This is to protect land and watercourses, vegetation and fish and wildlife. Some designated areas and trails also have size and weight restrictions.
To better manage Alberta’s public lands, the province has designated Public Land Use Zones, Recreation Areas and Recreation Trails. [Section 5 schedules 5-8] of the regulation identifies what lands are included in each zone, area or trail, and indicates if off-highway recreational vehicles are allowed. Some zones, like the Mclean Creek Off-highway Vehicle Public Land Use Zone and the Sibbald Snow Vehicle Public Land Use Zone, are managed with recreational vehicles in mind. If the schedule does not mention off-highway vehicles as part of the Public Land Use Zone, Recreation Area or Recreation Trail description, vehicles are not allowed in that location. However, people still have access for non-motorized recreation in the zone, area or trail. Do you agree that off-highway motorized vehicles should be restricted in some areas of public land? __Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know

7. Open Fires
Fighting wildfires on public land costs Alberta taxpayers well over $100 million every year and burns thousands of hectares of forest. To help prevent wildfire, no open fires are allowed in a public land recreation area [section 197]. Fires may only be burned in facilities provided to contain them; for example, metal fire boxes or designated fire pits. The only wood that may be burned is provided firewood [section 213(3)].

__Agree X Dis
agree __Don’t know
If you agree to this they will ticket everyone for having a fire everywhere. We all know how to have a responsible fire.

8. Maintenance and Restoration
Campers and other users of public land have a responsibility to maintain the land in the condition in which they found it or restore the land to that condition when they leave the recreation area [section 213]. Do you agree users should leave the land in, or restore it to, the condition in which they found it?
__Agree _X Disagree __Don’t know
How could they patrol this, they will just give you a ticket and say your responsible to fix the land. What happened if you got there and it was that way. Give me a break.:confused:

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Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Part II Enforcement

10. Enforcement Response
A certified officer can respond to an offense in a number of ways, starting with a verbal or written warning or asking people to leave a campsite or area. More serious responses include seizing or impounding property, such as a rifle or vehicle, issuing a ticket or summons or an arrest [section 181]. Do you agree that Alberta Sustainable Resource Development should respond to such offences with enforcement mechanisms; for example, issuance of ticket or arrest offenders?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
They'll be asking everyone to leave and sending them off, A rifle I can see a problem. This would make there ego's too big.:rolleyes:

11. 24-Hour Stop Order

An officer can issue a stop order for 24 hours to prevent or stop loss or damage on public land [section 182]; for example a company releases a harmful substance or riders in an off-highway vehicle event go off designated trails. Do you agree that officers should have authority to issue a 24-hour stop order?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know

Back to OUR rally, they wanted to stop that and they really tried, they will stop all events if they had the power.

12. Exceeding Disturbance Standards
Every approval for an industrial activity has standards for how much the land can be disturbed before it is reclaimed. A person or company that causes damage beyond the disturbance standard or is in violation of approved terms or conditions can be served with an enforcement order and made to pay a penalty [section 185].
Do you agree that those who cause excessive disturbance should be served and pay a penalty?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
Are they referring to quad rally's and events like this?? They want to charge for damages to the environment. Im suprised cause look what the environment looks like after logging or strip mining, and we make a real mess?:rolleyes:

13. Unauthorized Use
Those who use or damage public land without seeking approval or who have approval for one purpose but use public land for other purposes, can be served with an enforcement order and made to pay a penalty [section 185].
Do you agree that those who make unauthorized use of public land should be served and subject to penalty?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
This question is a bit twisted,I would disagree.:confused:

14. Penalties
The regulation creates a system to calculate penalties if individuals or companies do not comply with the rules or cause loss or damage [section 187]. Do you agree that the amount of penalties should be based on the seriousness of the breach of rules and on the damage caused?
__Agree X Disa
gree_Don’t know
I would disagree with this as well

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Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
C. Appeals and Dispute Resolution

16. Grounds for Appeal
Unless the law states that a certain decision is subject to an appeal, appeals will be considered only if the director or officer making the decision erred in law, exceeded his or her authority or did not comply with a regional plan [section 229]. Do you agree these are sufficient grounds for an appeal?
__Agree __Disagree _X_Don’t know

17. Appeal Panel Members
Government will not maintain a standing membership of panel members for the appeals body. A panel will be nominated when a notice of appeal is filed and will be made up of department officials [section 238(1)] and, with the consent of the parties, non-government members who can bring an expert or peer review to the original decision [section 238(2)]. Do you agree with an appeal panel made up of officials when and if they are needed?
__Agree __Disagree X__Don’t know

18. Mediation
Some disputes may be resolved without a hearing, through mediation and referral [section 241]. For example, a company with an oil lease and a rancher with a grazing lease on the same land may be able to work out their mutual access issues by talking. The regulation allows the appeals coordinator to convene a meeting of the parties to discuss and resolve the dispute. Do you agree that mediation should be available to resolve disputes without a hearing?
__Agree __Disagree _X Don’t know

19. Day Appeals
A day appeal is heard the same day by a designated local settlement officer instead of an appointed appeal panel. A day appeal is used to address a 24-hour stop order; for example, a company begins clearing an area without approval or riders in an off-highway vehicle event go off designated trails. [section 252].
Do you agree with a day appeal for stop orders?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
Hmmm, this brings me back to our rally that we put on in July, they tried this with us.

20. Concise Appeals
A concise appeal may be launched on the grounds that the fees, charges or penalties are calculated incorrectly and for certain dispute resolutions [section 256]. Concise appeals must be decided within 20 days. Do you agree with a concise appeal for administrative decisions?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know

21. Electronic Hearings Appeals by telephone will be allowed for both day appeals and concise appeals. Do you agree that appeals by telephone are appropriate?
__Agree _X_Disagree __Don’t know
Why should we have to appeal anything?:rolleyes:

22. Big Appeals
A big appeal may be launched to resolve disputes over terms, conditions, applications of, compliance with, and amendments to a disposition. Big appeals may have up to a year to be resolved.
Do you agree with big appeals for more complex matters?
__Agree __Disagree _X Don’t know
More trick questions, they want appeals so they can delay any process.

23. Costs
Any party to a concise or big appeal may apply for an award of costs [section 250]. Costs include legal advice, fees and other reasonable and proper expenses. Do you agree that parties to an appeal may apply for costs?
__Agree __Disagree _X_Don’t know
Its easier to say dont know here, there shouldnt be an appeal.
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Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Just to inform the public on our rally we put on we had nothing but problems setting it up. Two weeks before we had trails all set up and ready, bridges built all on the lower land. Darcy spent countless hours with some help from others laying this all out. Then we received an email from the local SRD, that we had to change everything, with a big list of compliance's. Everyone wanted to give up, I would not let that happen and headed to Rocky on a Saturday and a bunch of us went out and GPS''d a new trail on higher ground, took pictures, got contacts of oil company's.
We had to get access to ride in the ditch from Outwest campground to RR10, they said you will never get that, its a provincial highway. So I made a few calls and whala. Had a permit from Alberta Infrastructure. They said you need insurance, got the certificate. You need Saftey and first aid plans, got them. Then need letters of consent from all the property's you are riding on. Well that is more of a problem. Husky oil, had no problems, cudo's to Arron there. :d Trans Canada Pipelines, would not consent, but said they know we will be in the area, and to ride safely and respect the equipment, it was'nt there land, its SRD's they just have a pipe beneath. In the weeks notice they couldnt help us. SRD new if they waited a few days before this and notified us they may shut this down. We also needed a plan to fix all the damages and make the land better than when we started. So I wrote one up, We will make bridges and controls such as barricades around swamps and tender area's, our members will drive around them and not break our rules. CUDO's to all at our Rally, not one barricade was breached. Wayne from SRD was a decent guy, he came out and looked at our work and what we did in a week, and issued our TFA permit for the event. It did say that we would be responsible for any environmental damages.
All I can say is this was the first time they ever did this to any group and after reading this questionare I see some of those questions are directed at us.
There was NO damages in our event and we left the environment in better cleaner and safer conditions that previous. They even let us leave up our bridges.:d

So all I can say is if your planning on putting an event on have all your ducks in a row. And be prepared a long time in advance.

Still havn't got a email or letter from Don or Wayne with there comments from our event. But I rode the trail several times after and all I can say is I am very proud of all the people that rode that day. And thanks to all the volunteers that didn't give up with all my coaching.:cool:


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2009
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Consort ab.
I just don't understand what they are thinking. Do they not see the clear cuts out there? They leave the land, habitat, brutal condition. We ride trails..have a lunch time hot dog roast, on a controlled fire, in amongst the destroyed, logged out land, and we're the bad guys...of course. Just seeing this "survey" is frustrating. Is this a real survey? And who gets to fill it out and submit it? Pleasure craft "bashers" will love this I am sure....


Active VIP Member
Oct 26, 2008
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I agree the Appeals and Dispute resolution section is tough to answer. Although you don't want to give them an avenues to delay proceedings through an appeal process I would think that we would also want to have a course to escalate the situation if there was an unfair ruling. Without an appeals process the officer's say is final.

Kinda seems like Communism... Just sayin..


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Apr 22, 2010
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Northern Alberta
I just don't understand what they are thinking. Do they not see the clear cuts out there? They leave the land, habitat, brutal condition. We ride trails..have a lunch time hot dog roast, on a controlled fire, in amongst the destroyed, logged out land, and we're the bad guys...of course. Just seeing this "survey" is frustrating. Is this a real survey? And who gets to fill it out and submit it? Pleasure craft "bashers" will love this I am sure....

I agree 100%, I live in a Forestry area and the total destruction left from a clear cut is byfar more devastating than a quad or even a hundred quads could do. Do yourself a favor and take a trip up north of Edmonton and check out a logging operation. They will knock over 5 smaller trees to get 1 tree, sad but true. Look I have nothing against the logging and lumber industry in Alberta, I just feel it is unfair to single out the quaders, sledders and back country users.

mudd kitty

Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2010
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high level Alberta
Wow I didnt realize all the hoops u had to jump through to get the campout working!! Thanks for all ur hard work I had a really great time!! And I will be getting others to fill out the survey as well!!
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