Well its not far from beaumont, been there since friday night, i noticed it saturday morning on my way to the dump. Kinda kept an eye on it since then, called the cops twice they arent interested in doing much. Called the land owner today and its not his but it is on his property. Id hate to see it go missing if there is someone looking for it or coming back for it. Not sure what to do, am tempted to post a notice on a stake in the field with my contact info and bring it home before it disappears for good or ends up rotting in some impound yard.
Good job Deaner, hows chit goin!! Did ya pull the sin #, did it start? 30 days is possesion right. lol
Saw it there last Wed, thought it was kind of strange. Leave a note with an email addy or something and take it home. Reg. it as stolen property with registries and file it with the cop shop. Or follow the tracks backwards see where that takes you..They say the cat came back, maybe this one needs some help...
Holy chit since wed non the less, tryed following the tracks but they are all snowed in now. Like i say i just dont want to get pinched for doing what i think is the right thing and what i hope someone would do for me
As long as the cops know that you have it (and you have a piece of paper saying that they know) you shouldn't get in any trouble for getting it out of harms way.