Castle Spreading the Word


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Ron posted a terrific poster about the Edmonton rally for the Castle closures but it does no good just sitting on the site, so I have decided to dedicate this entire upcoming weekend to spreading the word on these closures in Castle and Y2Y. My plan is to visit every dealership in Edmonton and St Albert on Saturday and Monday if needed to encourage them to put posters up on their doors and on Sunday I will hit Cabela’s, Wholesale sports, Canadian Tire, Sobeys and Safeway’s bulletin boards trying to plaster the poster anywhere I can where it will be seen. Anyone wanting to help is more than welcome to, we will have to put a list together of all the dealerships and it would be great if the poster could be edited to include Hunting and Fishing being banned so that it targets a wider audience for Cabela’s, Wholesale sports and Canadian Tire.
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Awesome idea on the visits too the dealer ships.
I've been in contact with the folks in our area as I know many of them over the years.

I wouldn't go as far as using the words banning of hunting and fishing as its more like restrictive too access areas more or less in this puzzle.

And of course the idea of what "Our" crown lands access will look like in the following yesrs forward.

Exp: could be the Bighorn area West of Rocky Mountain House.
2001/02 as many trails were open for all users, now or half are closed off and shorter and shorter time restrictions on them. Ruffly 14 years into this with less access.

The GOA is crafty at doing this in small steps peace by peace over a time frame, that way we don't see the changes falling into play.

Only those of us that have been there since day one before this area was changed to Bighorn recreation area as it isn't much of that if it's less than 1/2 the trails and only a 1/3 of its use timing wise.

Don sharing in ideas only as we select quality conversations that share our values and ideas going forward.

Hopefully more wrong then right. Ha


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
Ron posted a terrific poster about the Edmonton rally for the Castle closures but it does no good just sitting on the site, so I have decided to dedicate this entire upcoming weekend to spreading the word on these closures in Castle and Y2Y. My plan is to visit every dealership in Edmonton and St Albert on Saturday and Monday if needed to encourage them to put posters up on their doors and on Sunday I will hit Cabela’s, Wholesale sports, Canadian Tire, Sobeys and Safeway’s bulletin boards trying to plaster the poster anywhere I can where it will be seen. Anyone wanting to help is more than welcome to, we will have to put a list together of all the dealerships and it would be great if the poster could be edited to include Hunting and Fishing being banned so that it targets a wider audience for Cabela’s, Wholesale sports and Canadian Tire.


While we do appreciate your dedication I think we've hit almost all the dealers in the Edmonton area with the posters. Some have even taken it amongst themselves to print them and take them to the boat & sportsmen show to be distributed this weekend.

I'm not sure that the Cabela's etc have been hit up.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Hey Lem, I was meaning we should just addhunting and fishing in the poster because right now it makes no mention ofthose sports being included and it would target a broader audience.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I was able to talk with a senior executive at Wildrose and sent them the rally information to make sure they are in attendance. He will make sure it gets to Brian Jean and there is representation from Wildrose.
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