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  1. AirNorth1

    This Is Sad

    Sorry to hear. Not saying they can't get ugly. Was referring to the 80s when the punks of the day for lack of better words were seeking them for pets...and there were alot of ugly Dobermans because of it.
  2. AirNorth1

    Wild Fire 2024

    The fires should slow down for a bit while they admire all Harry and Meagan photo shopped photos from Nigeria. lol
  3. AirNorth1

    This Is Sad

    Back in the 80s Dobermans were the trend. They were the feared dog. Today they seem to be big sucks.
  4. AirNorth1

    Canada to ban all ICE vehicles by 2035

    Apparently the plan is to dramatically reduce the populations. Crazy eh? Zee ones left vill be happy...with plenty of power for their EVs
  5. AirNorth1

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Maybe there will be no election.
  6. AirNorth1

    My Christmas week - Brain bleed - Stroke - Updated June 1, 2024

    Been absent from here for awhile. So sad to hear of your health challenge but pleased to see a fighter in motion.
  7. AirNorth1

    The High Cost of Electric Vehicles: Mining for Minerals Puts US Water Supplies in Danger

    They have Canada. We have lots of water. They should not fear, and likely really don't. The guy that sits on our throne will always "work hard for Canadians"
  8. AirNorth1

    Fire in the sky

    Perhaps it will change course. Then we can really build back better.
  9. AirNorth1

    Israel at War

    Hamas is calling this Friday A Day of Rage against Europe and America. Their here, unvetted and organized. Me I'm sick with worry.
  10. AirNorth1

    EVs: Can We Afford Them?

    In time they will serve their purpose. Drive 15 minutes each way in your assigned zone.
  11. AirNorth1

    What would you do?

    Within weeks of turning 65 yrs. with no real savings to see me forward in this new world I did not see coming. Honestly I think I would just sit for a bit and shed the stress.
  12. AirNorth1

    Less sledding buddies to ride with

    The newer generation hold their adventures thrills and spills in one hand and tap on it with the other.
  13. AirNorth1

    Israel at War

    Not a good time to visit any major Canadian cities. We welcomed them here, unable to do anything to stop them.
  14. AirNorth1

    Eagle Valley/Sicamous Conditions 2121-2022

    Should be hiding trailcams to observe the thieves.
  15. AirNorth1

    Dirty boat seats

    There was a Dollar store here were I'm at{ in Canada} that sold the Totally Awesome brand cleaner but the Dollar Store shut down. I used it to clean the black soot stains from my motorhomes propane hot water vents. Nothing else works like that stuff. Wish I could still get it. I think it had...
  16. AirNorth1

    Dirty boat seats

    As a last resort if the stains don't come out and you really need them out try a course like powdered cleaner, even cloths soap. On a rag dump a good helping, moisten it so its pasty gritty then scour it into the stain round and round till you cant take the heat no more. Tide laundry soap is good.
  17. AirNorth1

    Trudeau pays terrorist 10.5 million

    Nothing is shocking no more. This Omar payout talk will end very soon or sooner if Facebook runs out of Omar topics. Nobodys really protesting. Just another news event. Wanna get people protesting go dump some thinner on a rainbow painted crosswalk. Beg my pard.
  18. AirNorth1

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Suck it up if I get the urge to expose a moron smoking dope in the chalets so it be...right here.
  19. AirNorth1

    Video/photo editing software?

    whoDEANie you can still install Windows Movie Maker on Windows 10 using the English Installer Here link It works flawlessly on Windows 10 click the choose programs to install option. Figuring this...
  20. AirNorth1

    Eagle Valley / Sicamous Updates 2016/17

    Ive had mothers & fathers come down the hill (plenty of times) with their kids dismayed because of the chalet smelling like dope. To them this was a real life adventure and one to hold as a fantastic memory. Not at all expecting to encounter the morons. Really sorry this problem continues.
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