scotts's latest activity

  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Muskoka Freerider.
  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Farmer talk.
    We are at 6” since April 28th, right here at home which is typically a dryer pocket!
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to sledneck__11's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Farmer talk.
    Should have 1500 of wheat in sometime here tonight!
  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Artemis Blackwater mine.
    Good info thanks guys , sounds like a hurry up and wait deal as always but at least it’s moving forward!
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to Bnorth's post in the thread Artemis Blackwater mine with Like Like.
    Company I work for has been supplying them materials for the transmission line that will feed the mine. Lots of plan changes from them...
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to TylerG's post in the thread Artemis Blackwater mine with Like Like.
    Mines often get delayed due to red tape and bureaucratic processes. I know we have been quoting a TONNE of stuff out for them at work...
  • scotts
    Does anyone know much about this Company and the Blackwater mine south of Vanderhoof, had one of my boys get interviewed for a job there...
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to handyandy's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    Same here. Now if the forcast is right we won't get back in the field until may 10th or later
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to Nypex1000's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    You must have had a 5710 at one point in your farming career. Dirt Frigger!! Haha.
  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Farmer talk.
    Haha yup. 5710 and a 5810, loved that drill, bought it used and traded it off with over 70000 acres on it.
  • scotts
    scotts replied to the thread Farmer talk.
    Got about 600ac in, kinda dragging our heels being so dry and Early for this country,now after this rain and the forecast for next week...
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to FanaticalKilla's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    Snow on the vehicles but meltin when it hits the ground....
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to MP Kid's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    Ground is white this morning
  • scotts
    scotts reacted to Trashy's post in the thread Farmer talk with Like Like.
    It’s been raining and snowing consistently for the last four days here in Fort Macleod
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