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  1. Chump

    The 15 minute City Debate starts tomorrow!

    It'll be like in calgary overwhelming amount of people opposing it. A bunch of time wasted, and they'll do what they want regardless. I feel like the infrastructure is already in place, they've spent billions all around us installing cameras, facial recognition and so on. They are not going to...
  2. Chump

    The 15 minute City Debate starts tomorrow!

    Same here in calgary. Huge potholes you gotta dodge. There to busy painting 🌈
  3. Chump

    The 15 minute City Debate starts tomorrow!

    I still don't believe edmontonians were stupid enough to vote for a terrorist mayor.... I think we've all been played
  4. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

    Built some floating shelves, I think they turned out great👌
  5. Chump

    APP Alberta Pension Plan

    The thought of being reliant on a fixed pension scares me. At a time when our gov is spending and printing more and more money. Our money and that fixed pension is worth less and less. That's exactly how there unlocking your preloaded stimulus
  6. Chump

    Silent pass road in

    Good on ya for trying to find the owner! 👌👍
  7. Chump

    APP Alberta Pension Plan

    Lots is going out of country, if not the majority. Not long ago he sent almost a billion to india for there roads... I don't want some gov crony thinking there Warren buffet playing with my money. Clearly looking at the numbers, they are NOT good at it
  8. Chump

    The future ?

    All while simultaneously destroying farm land with these wind farms.... I don't think it's a coincidence there attacking every industry from any angle they can.
  9. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    The entire house is FILLED with idiots
  10. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    People run all these things. The gov is just there siphoning money off the top
  11. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Better get the fact checkers to check some facts, or we're those the same fact checkers that lied to our faces for 4 years? Lol
  12. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    And all the csis warnings about election interference mean nothing..... isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
  13. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Conservatives will get in, And with Trudeau and his liberal appointed senate nothing will change, and it will just be a constant stall of any good progress and the illusion continues This was a good read...
  14. Chump

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Life may have been better under harper for sure. But they were still slowly inching there way towards agenda 2030. It's just become much more obvious now. Either way I believe it's the left and right arm of the same corrupt system. I almost think they were fattening us up with a nice life and...
  15. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

    Railing guy is having fun with this! Has to snake its way down to the basement. What a weird design...
  16. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

    Golf simulator going in this basement!
  17. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

    I'm guessing princess auto sled caster bearing
  18. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

  19. Chump

    Random Pictures Thread

    Sure wish tile guy left this high enough....
  20. Chump

    Contemplation mode....

    I've thought about getting one of these
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