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  1. 5

    The 15 minute City Debate starts tomorrow!

    15 minute cities, straight out of the WEF’s plans, billions being spent on implementing and convincing the public to accept them globally, yet we still have zombies, even on this site, buying into the obvious lies.
  2. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Another solution:
  3. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    I don't think we necessarily have to overthrow the current system as its clearly collapsing on its own (likely by design). We may have to have the balls to just tell our current leaders to stuff it and not listen to their BS and not follow where they are taking us as this system collapses. A...
  4. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Why would you want to keep a system that is corrupted beyond repair and had shown that it’s very purpose is trapping its people into a technocratic dictatorship/ dystopia, and all the leaders selected for us to ‘vote’ for are clearly in on the plan? You defending the very system that’s trying...
  5. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Well then why is he working together with John Baird- WEF member. Tim Uppal, another WEF attendee, and Leo Housakos: "From our preliminary searches, Quebec Senator Leo Housakos does not appear to have any direct affiliations with the World Economic Forum. He does, however, have direct...
  6. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    I don't think its a hate Pollievere train as much as we're trying to wake people up to the fact that all these politicians are in fact actors working for the same hidden hand, and are all leading us to the same destination.
  7. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Sure, that may be true, but did he promote the death and destruction of his own nation and its citizens via lockdowns and mandated mystery poison?
  8. 5

    Israel at War

  9. 5

    Israel at War

    Don’t forget these allies, in their Masonic jackets...
  10. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Both Chris Sky and Wikipdia are not trustworthy.... You used to be able to find articles about it. They appear to be scrubbed. but even now when I try to find them the default AI states that "its debatable if she was the CEO or just "partnered" with Switch Health". Might have to dig into...
  11. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Anaida Poilievre was (coincidentally of course) the CEO of Switch Health , which, (coincidentally of course), got government scamdemic contracts to import and distribute the fraudulent rapid antigen tests.
  12. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    He promoted the shots and his wife made millions off the scamdemic.
  13. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Yes I remember that, its all part of the show of course it was never going to pass. There's even a clip of Pierre being asked if he'd mandate jabs in a pandemic and he stated something along the lines of it may be necessary. Ill have to find the clip.
  14. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Fixing Healthcare and allowing Canadians to have medical freedom (IE no mandatory vaccines or medical procedures). Stopping Big pharma and their regulators from keeping alternative health cures from the public. Would be a good start, as controlling out "health" is a large part of the...
  15. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Which policies will steer us away from the rapidly enclosing tyrannical agendas we found ourselves in?
  16. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Yes of course, then they can use that as an excuse for not dialing back the past policies. Meanwhile PP enacts policies that sound "pro business" but ultimately give corporations and banks more power and control over us.
  17. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Voting harder for criminal actors who profited off of killing and harming Canadians is the only tried and true option proven not to work. It keeps us fighting for basic freedoms within a system that was designed to take away basic freedoms and rights. What could work, would be a mass awakening...
  18. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    That’s because you don’t see the bigger picture that the left and the right are both one and the same. Of course life appeared slightly better under Harper, because we had nearly 10 years of acceleration of the Globalists plan since then and things keep getting faster.
  19. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Yes. That's what everyone does (or at least everyone thinks they are doing). How's that been working out so far?
  20. 5

    Justin Trudeau Sucks!

    Well if you haven't figured out politicians lie yet.... I really don't know what to say.
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