Recent content by Dawizman

  1. Dawizman

    Speeding a top concern for Canadians

    Or even the speed limit *shudder*
  2. Dawizman

    Speeding a top concern for Canadians

    The original zl1 was quite the car in its day. The new ZL1 look pretty mean. I might be biased tho. Definitely doesn't exceed the speed limit though. At least that's what my lawyer keeps telling people.
  3. Dawizman

    Speeding a top concern for Canadians

    Have to look twice to see that's not a c7 zr1 at that angle. There was a c8z06 at the track on Monday. Thing was pretty crazy. Sneak up on my poor little miata in a hurry
  4. Dawizman

    Speeding a top concern for Canadians

    They're both basically a squished beetle. All being VW and whatnot.
  5. Dawizman

    Speeding a top concern for Canadians

    Mfers got real crime coming out the wazoo, but it doesn't pay the bills like speed tax.
  6. Dawizman

    What Did You Do In Ur Garage?

    No wheel to wheel yet. Just track days, trying to get better & having a good time in the process. Blew the engine last day of the season last year. This thing would need a ton of work to be ready for spec miata anyway. Just a good shitbox to learn in.
  7. Dawizman

    What Did You Do In Ur Garage?

    Got the engine mostly back together for the track car this weekend. A little porting to do on the intake manifold, and it should be ready to drop back in next weekend. Itching to get back on the track.
  8. Dawizman

    Who owns Spotx?

    Spot is owned by Globalstar. Ray-Ban is owned by Luxottica. No major ownership overlaps that I can see.
  9. Dawizman

    Belt life

    1200km on my gen5t. Belt is still good. It'll be my spare for now. My buddy is at 1500km on his redline turbo gen5 on the factory belt.
  10. Dawizman

    Central Air ( AC)

    Probably emco if they sell retail in red deer.
  11. Dawizman

    Muskoka Freerider

    Redline turbo with the wastegate pinched off for starters.
  12. Dawizman

    2023-2024 Revelstoke and Area Updates

    Yeah for sure, and that's what I assume. Just poor communication of the issue really. I bet 90% of users have no idea what the Jordan FSR is.
  13. Dawizman

    2023-2024 Revelstoke and Area Updates

    It's also very unclear whether this is seasonal (assumingly) or permanent. Poor communication
  14. Dawizman

    2023-2024 Revelstoke and Area Updates

    Yeah. Not sure why they didn't state it as such
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