Recent content by bbtoys

  1. bbtoys

    Mcbride 2023-2024 season

    And a reminder no SAR unless we fly and the weather is perfect
  2. bbtoys

    Mcbride 2023-2024 season

    No heat in the cabin at renshaw because we can’t get there with groomer be prepared
  3. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    It’s just the bridge that is classed as non passable club is pulling our collection shack next week renshaw riding area not closed
  4. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Run around more like a slow waddle
  5. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Still closed
  6. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    We have begged for a classification of 1 to allow atv and sled traffic only move groomer to top side and leave to there to finish the year
  7. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Still closed waiting for a solution which is completely out of our hands
  8. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    LOL now that would be something
  9. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Yes deck is in great shape spent 40 grand on that bridge over the last few years
  10. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    The bridge itself is not the problem it is that the abutments have eroded away apparently will know tomorrow after we physically look for ourselves
  11. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Thanks yes we have to post as closed liability telling you to go or go around is a real thing trust me we want you sledding
  12. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    It’s not the deck it is the abutments both sides and yes it is closed. A 0 rating means no travel whatsoever
  13. bbtoys

    RENSHAW Area - Updates - Not Groomed/Serviced

    Govt sent bridge inspectors up today and down graded 2km bridge to a 0. Meetings Thursday to try and come up with a solution
  14. bbtoys

    Mcbride 2023-2024 season

    Snowed all day and still coming diwn
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